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September 14, 2009

Ambition of Dream to Study in Germany is More Rise

11:15 PM

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Today I have a lecture of Engineering Mathematic who lecturer is Mr. Tri, an Electronic Field Study of Electrical Engineering in Institut Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) of Surabaya, due to schedule. Period of study have enter to third week, also enter third week of Ramadhan month, a muslim fasting month.

Starting for today, my Lectuerer was changed to Mr. Rudy Dikairono. He ever had teached me when I studied on Diploma degree of Computer Control, ITS Surabaya. He told that just back from study in Germain, Master degree. He studied there cause of got a Superior Scholarship (Beasiswa Unggulan) from Diknas (Pendidikan Nasional). This Scholarship is join between ITS Surabaya and the University in Germany. If we study Master degree here (ITS Surabaya) for a year and continue to University in Germany for a year too, we will get two Certificate, from ITS and Germany. It is called by Double Degree Program.

Double Degree program in ITS not only for Master students, but also for Bachelor students. If we have a good TOEFL we may have a lot of chance to study there. One of my dream when I'm still on Senior High School (SMA) in SMA N 1 Gemolong Sragen is study to Germany. I don't know about it, is this can be real or just a dream ?

My new Mathematic Engineering lecturer, Mr. Rudy told his little experience for a year in Germany. Although had a year live there, but he didn't ever yet can spoke in German. Just english, because study in Germany is use an English. There no time to study it, because the period at there just a year. So, if just manage to it, he worry his study will not soon finish, his state.

From his little experience which he told, my ambition or dream to study in Germany is more riser. The question is, may I do that ?? Just Allah, the Infinite Thing that can know about it. I just can attempt and pray to Him, I hope I can make this dream come true.

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