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December 13, 2009

KLAS Held Cangkru'an Filled with openSUSE Release Party

10:20 PM

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Group of GNU / Linux Arek Suroboyo (KLAS) held Cangkru'an  at Pearl Cafe - Intiland Tower, Jl. Panglima Sudirman 101-103 Surabaya on Saturday (12/12). Cangkru'an this time filled with openSUSE Release Party with organized by the openSUSE-ID of Surabaya's area which is part of KLAS.

The event starts at 10:30 pm, while I myself arrived at 11.30 AM, because previously invited friends to play futsal. Participants who attended quite a lot, ranging from high school brothers / vocational school until the student's friends and activists GNU / Linux. Not only from Surabaya course, participants from Lamongan and Madura (University friends Trunojoyo) was not left behind.

The enthusiasm of participants, especially younger kids SMA / SMK, very visible from the questions they ask when the speaker submit items. The first material submitted by Anton Masgandhul, the topic of features followed openSUSE 11.2 openSUSE-Edu with Li-fe for children and education. Mas Didiet deliver the second material on susestudio.com, namely how to create their own distribution through web-based openSUSE.

At 13:00 pm the event ended. As usual, closed with a ritual with photos of the speaker and the participants and all who attended the event there. The committee thanked profusely to friends openSUSE-ID region and KLAS Surabaya, East Java region APJII, RADNET, KampoengCyber, Management Intiland Tower and all the organs involved and can not be mentioned one by one.

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