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November 06, 2010

Finally, I Played Footbal in The Large Field

11:10 PM

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Finally, this afternoon (Saturday, 6 Nov. '10) I played footbal in the large field in Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Stadium. I don't know who are the people that played with me. The important thing, I can played it in the large field :-D .

I've long wanted to play football in the large field. Just on this afternoon I achieved it. Happy and satisfied I can played it, although a little tired :-p . I hope, I can do it again on the next time, next week.

Play ball in the big field is differ from play ball in the small field. In the big field, although we rare to move and run, but if we get a ball we have to move and run with an extra energy cause of the field is longer and bigger.

I hope next saturday I can do it again :-)

1 komentar:

Anonymous said...

i don't like play foot ball!!!
because it's so tired .